Normal Corr Expansion Joints
Normal Corr expansion joints employ a standardized bellows design ideally suited for general industrial applications. Offered with flanges or butt weld ends from 3” to 48” nominal diameter for design pressures to 300 psig at 650°F. (Consult factory for larger sizes)
PDF Reference Guide Normal Corr Expansion Joints
How to Order:
Example P/N

End Connection

Normal Corr Data
- Size Range – 3″ to 48″ *NPS
- Allowable Pressure Stainless Steel Bellows – Vacuum to 300 psig
- Temperature Limits Stainless Steel Bellows – -20°F to 650° degrees F. **
- Axial Traverse – See Date Sheets
- Lateral Motion- See Data Sheets
* For sizes larger than 48” consult factory for information. **With special alloys, temperatures of minus 425°F. to plus 1600°F. can be handled.
Materials of Construction
- Bellows: ASTM A240 T316L (standard)
Other materials available - Pipe: ASTM A53/A106
50 lb. Series: Sch. 40
150 lb. Series: Sch. 40
300 lb. Series: Sch. 40 - Flanges: A516-70 Plate (Std) A105 (Opt)
50 lb. Series: 150 lb. ANSI B16.5 R.F.S.O.
150 lb. Series: 150 lb. ANSI B16.5 R.F.S.O.
300 lb. Series: 300 lb. ANSI B16.5 R.F.S.O. - Covers: Carbon Steel
- Tie Rods: Carbon Steel
- Liners: 300 Series Stainless Steel
- Rated cycle life is 2000 cycles per EJMA 8th edition for any one movement tabulated.
- To combine axial, lateral movements, refer to page 7.
- Maximum axial extension movement is 10% of tabulated axial value.
- To obtain greater movements or cycle life, contact the factory.
- Catalogue pressure ratings are based upon a maximum bellows temperature of 650°F. Actual operating temperature should always be specified.
- Maximum test pressure: 1 1/2 x maximum working pressure.