Single Metal Expansion Joints 10″ and 12″ Size
Materials of Construction
BELLOWS: ASTM A240 T304. To specify alternate bellows
material, refer to Bellows Material Data and add to part number.
50 lb. Series: Std. Wall
150 lb. Series: Std. Wall
300 lb. Series: Std. Wall
FLANGES: ASTM A105/A36/A516-70
50 lb. Series: 150 lb. ANSI B16.5 R.F.S.O.
150 lb. Series: 150 lb. ANSI B16.5 R.F.S.O.
300 lb. Series: 300 lb. ANSI B16.5 R.F.S.O.
COVERS: Carbon Steel
LINERS: 300 Series Stainless Steel
- Rated cycle life is 2000 cycles per EJMA 7th edition for any non concurrent movement tabulated.
- To combine axial, lateral movements, refer to step 5 How to Specify a Single Expansion Joint
- Maximum axial extension movement is 50% of tabulated axial value.
- To obtain greater movements or cycle life refer to step 5 How to Specify a Single Expansion Joint or contact the factory.
- Catalog pressure ratings are based upon a maximum bellows temperature of 800°F. Actual operating temperature should always be specified.
- If unit is flanged, see Standard Flange Data for maximum flange pressure ratings.
- Maximum test pressure: 1 1/2 x maximum working pressure.
- Click here to reference Maximum Torque Values.
* For available angular rotation, contact factory.